Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Newcastle at dawn

Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/400 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 07:08 16 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/400 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 07:18 16 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/10, 1/500 sec, 17.4 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 07:19 16 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/500 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 07:20 16 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/8, 1/500 sec, 12.12 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 07:23 16 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/1000 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 07:26 16 July 2007

Monday, 2 July 2007

Darling Harbour at sunset

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/10 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 17:03 1 July 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/6 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 17:04 1 July 2007

For more photos of the same day: Panoramic view of Sydney

Panoramic view of Sydney

360° Panoramic View of Sydney (3850 x 392)
From left to right: South West, West, North, East, and South, then back to South West
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/500~1/50 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 1 July 2007

* This image has been cropped, resized, modified, and labeled.
* The full size image (19251 x 1962, 26.7 MB) is stitched together by AutoStitch from 45 selected original pictures (2592 x 1944) I took at the top of Sydney Tower on 1 July 2007.

For more photos of the same day: Darling Harbour at sunset

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Chinese church at night

A Chinese church at night in Regina, Canada
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 19:49 3 October 2005

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur

180° View of Kuala Lumpur (North view from the top of Twin Towers)
Olympus C2100UZ, F/2.8, 1/400~1/160 sec, 7 mm, ISO 100, 2 May 2005

Panoramic view of Seattle

270° view of Seattle (West and South East view)
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/15 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 16 March 2007

The taking place and view scope

180° view of Seattle (East view)
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/15 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 16 March 2007

Friday, 22 June 2007

Crowne Plaza Guihe at night

Crowne Plaza Guihe Jinan (济南贵和皇冠假日酒店)
3 Tian Di Tan Street, Jinan, China
Ricoh GR Digital, F/2.4, 1/3 sec, 5.9 mm, ISO 64, Spot Mode, 20:15 19 June 2007
* Originally photographed by Xueyou WANG, and published under his permissions.
* Image has been cropped, resized, and modified.